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174 resources for "climate justice"

Showing 109 - 126. Show all results

Keeping hope alive: Central America case study

Case study from Christian Aid's work on peace in Central America.

Keeping hope alive: Christian Aid's work on peace - Impact study 2019

Without an explicit focus on peace, there can be no sustainable development. This study shares key examples of impact and some things we’ve learnt alo

Keeping hope alive: Colombia case study

Case study from Christian Aid's work on peace in Colombia.

Keeping hope alive: IOPT case study

Case study from Christian Aid's work on peace in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory.

The new global debt crisis

Spiralling debt repayments divert precious resources from governments. Report on the debt crisis, its risks and ways to tackle it.

Fumes or Futures assemblies

Fumes or Futures assembly and PowerPoint

Fumes or Futures chatterbox

Fumes or Futures chatterbox

Lent and Easter school assembly pack

In this assembly, pupils will explore the importance of community, living well together, and climate action. 

Scotland Annual Review 2018

The 2018 annual review reports on Christian Aid Scotland’s work in bringing dignity, equality and justice to all.

Joint Country Programme newsletter - July - Sept 2018

A new country director, piped water comes to villages in Mumbeji, advocating for tax justice and more...

Ecumenical prayer vigil for peace in Gaza

There is a monthly ecumenical prayer vigil across the globe until there is an end to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. 

Harvest toolkit: assembly - Welsh

Harvest toolkit: assembly - Welsh

Harvest Toolkit Assembly: Harvesting Sunlight

Use this to introduce your pupils to Agar in Ethiopia - whose family is using solar power for the good of their health and the climate.

Crazy Climate classroom activities

A selection of classroom activities for ages 7-11 exploring the impact of climate change and poverty.

Crazy Climate classroom activities - Welsh

A selection of classroom activities in Welsh for ages 7-11 exploring the impact of climate change and poverty.

Crazy Climate PowerPoint presentation

Our Crazy Climate PowerPoint presentation introduces the topic of climate change and poverty, and features pictures from around the world.

Crazy Climate: all resources - English

Download all of our Crazy Climate resources in one go through a zip file.

God of the impossible

God of the impossible, we pray for justice, peace and reconciliation.