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174 resources for "climate justice"

Showing 127 - 144. Show all results

Adapta annual report 2017

“Building climatic resilience in the fine cocoa and honey sectors” aims to revolutionise agriculture and apiculture in Nicaragua.

Adapta interactive annual report 2017

Proyecto Adapta: “Building climatic resilience in the fine cocoa and honey sectors” aims to revolutionise agriculture and apiculture in Nicaragua.

Prayer for an end to poverty

Creator God, you loved the world into life.

Global Neighbours: Climate change workshop notes

Global Neighbours: Climate change workshop notes

Global Neighbours: Climate change workshop presentation

Global Neighbours: Climate change workshop presentation

Fair Play

Do your pupils wish the world was fair? So does Christian Aid! This resource will help younger pupils engage with global issues of justice.

Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire (Part 1)

In this policy briefing, Christian Aid examines the links between climate change and conflict.

Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire (Part 2)

In this report, three case studies – from Angola, Mali, and Honduras – of responses to climate change and conflict are presented.

New pathways out of poverty in Africa: sustainable agriculture

New pathways out of poverty in Africa: sustainable agriculture

Towards a sustainable economy: private sector

Opening up a dialogue between NGOs, governments and the private sector about the opportunities and risks around transition to a sustainable economy.

Prayer points for refugee crisis

Prayer points for refugee crisis

Crazy Climate case studies

Champa from Bangladesh and Fatima from Senegal talk about their experiences of living in countries affected by climate change.

Crazy Climate case studies - Welsh

Champa from Bangladesh and Fatima from Senegal talk about their experiences of living in countries affected by climate change. (Welsh)

Crazy Climate country profiles

Key facts and information about Bangladesh and Senegal.

Crazy Climate country profiles - Welsh

Key facts and information about Bangladesh and Senegal. (Welsh)

Crazy Climate facts activity sheet

A range of classroom activities based around these Crazy Climate facts.

Crazy Climate facts activity sheet - Welsh

A range of classroom activities based around these Crazy Climate facts. (Welsh)

Crazy Climate poster

Crazy Climate poster