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174 resources for "climate justice"

Showing 145 - 162. Show all results

Crazy Climate poster - Welsh

Crazy Climate poster - Welsh

Crazy Climate worksheet

Crazy Climate worksheet

Crazy Climate worksheet - Welsh

Crazy Climate worksheet - Welsh

Droughts: Crazy Climate poster commentary for teachers

Droughts: Crazy Climate poster commentary for teachers

Floods: Crazy Climate poster commentary for teachers

Floods: Crazy Climate poster commentary for teachers

Religious education unit: Beliefs and actions in the world - Welsh

Religious education unit: Beliefs and actions in the world - Welsh

Time for tax: a workshop on tax justice - Welsh

Time for tax: a workshop on tax justice - Welsh

Time for tax: activity sheet and case studies

Time for tax: activity sheet and case studies

Time for tax: activity sheet and case studies - Welsh

Time for tax: activity sheet and case studies - Welsh

Challenges in the Sahel: Implications for peace and development

This report is part of a series Christian Aid is producing to understand what ought to be done differently in tackling violence and building peace.

Gender and politics in Bolivia: violent repercussions

A case study explaining how the passage of progressive laws in Bolivia have proved insufficient in genuinely empowering women.

Research summary: better forecasting delivers impact

Since 2007, Rice Watch Action Network has been helping small-scale farmers adapt to a changing environment through the Climate Resiliency Field School.

Developing climate services in the Philippines - Prog. Review Summary

A summary of an impact assessment carried out in the Philippines, on Christian Aid’s partner Rice Watch Action Network's programme to help farmers.

Christian Aid gender strategy: just and equitable power relations

Christian Aid gender strategy: just and equitable power relations

Gender Justice 2017: just and equitable power relations for all

Gender Justice 2017: just and equitable power relations for all

The Climate Challenge

Case study on community adaptation and women's empowerment in Bangladesh.

Developing Climate services in the Phillipines: programme review

A review of the Rice Watch Action Network's Climate Resiliency Field School. A season-long training programme with a focus on sustainable farming.

Tackling violence, building peace: global strategy 2016

Tackling violence, building peace: global strategy 2016