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174 resources for "climate justice"

Showing 163 - 174. Show all results

Ensuring sustainable growth for India in fair global climate agreement

Outlines the role India can play in laying down the foundations of an agreement in which equity and sustainable development are to the fore.

Power to Change Institutions: our work in Nigeria

An introduction to Christian Aid's governance work in Nigeria - focusing on accountable governance, tax justice and social protection.

Time for climate justice 14 - climate justice for all

Time for climate justice 14 - climate justice for all

Picture Power: Understanding impact through a community lens

This programme aims to empower communities to identify and address risks that prevent them making the most of the opportunities to develop.

Developing Climate Services

A report summarising our key experience across three countries – Kenya, India and Nicaragua.

India’s triple challenge: growth, development and climate change

Looks at how a fair global climate deal could be a catalyst for a rapid move towards sustainable development in India.

Energy for Development in South Asia: addressing energy inequality sustainably

This report discusses the links between energy access, poverty and inequality in South Asia.

Low-carbon development in South Asia: leapfrogging to a green future

The report gives examples of the potential for low-carbon energy in Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan.

Of the Same Flesh: exploring a theology of gender

Of the Same Flesh: exploring a theology of gender

Africa rising? Inequalities and the essential role of fair taxation

Africa rising? Inequalities and the essential role of fair taxation

Tax Justice Advocacy: A toolkit for civil society

This toolkit is designed to introduce key tax topics of relevance to civil society organisations, and to help work on tax justice advocacy.

All creation groaning - a theological approach to climate change

This paper examines a theological approach to climate change.