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1102 resources

Showing 1027 - 1044.

Of the Same Flesh: exploring a theology of gender

Of the Same Flesh: exploring a theology of gender

SMS Voices: a community reporting project

SMS Voices is a pioneering governance pilot project launched by ENCISS in January 2014, designed to encourage transparent dialogue between citizens and local councillors through a custom-built SMS (text message) system.

Losing out: Sierra Leone's massive revenue losses from tax incentives 

The first attempt in Sierra Leone to analyse the government's 'tax expenditure', showing these revenue losses are extremely large.

Mothers' Day primary assembly - English

This assembly celebrates Mothering Sunday. It features stories of families whose lives have been affected by conflict.

Africa rising? Inequalities and the essential role of fair taxation

Africa rising? Inequalities and the essential role of fair taxation

Christian Aid en América Latina y el Caribe estrategia (Spanish)

Hemos trabajado en América Latina y el Caribe por más de 30 años.

Christian Aid Latin American and Caribbean strategy

Christian Aid Latin American and Caribbean strategy

LPRR: response to armed conflict and forced displacement in Colombia

This case study has been developed as part of the humanitarian strand of the LPRR project

Christian Aid annual report 2012-13

Christian Aid annual report 2012-13

Who is benefitting? Sierra Leone - July 2013

This report examines the impact that large land leases held by three investors has had on local communities.

New Year primary assembly - English

This assembly marks World Religion Day (20 January) and addresses issues relating to food and hunger.

New Year primary assembly - Welsh

This assembly marks World Religion Day (20 January) and addresses issues relating to food and hunger.   

Christian Aid accountability framework

Christian Aid accountability framework

Introduction to Power Analysis

Introduction to Power Analysis

Trading away peace: sustaining illegal Israeli settlements

This report shows how European policy helps sustain illegal Israeli settlements

Christian Aid annual report 2011-12

Christian Aid annual report 2011-12

Lessons from Mali’s Arab Spring: why democracy must work for the poor

In early 2012, the landlocked west African country of Mali was rocked by a full-blown separatist rebellion in its northern regions.

How Christian Aid assesses value for money in its programmes

How Christian Aid assesses value for money in its programmes