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1102 resources

Showing 1063 - 1080.

Low-carbon Africa: Nigeria

With oil and gas dominating Nigeria's economy, energy poverty is widespread, but efficient use of natural resources could deliver energy for all. 

Taxing Ghana's informal sector: the experience of women

This paper looks at the situation of women working in the informal sector in Ghana and their experience of taxation.

Christian Aid annual report 2010-11

Christian Aid annual report 2010-11

Healthy Harvests: Sustainable agriculture in Africa and Asia

Smallholder farmers can improve agricultural productivity, food security and livelihoods by adopting sustainable approaches that utilise resource-conserving technologies and that draw upon their own knowledge.

Locked out: Palestinian refugee report

4.8 million Palestinians are living as refugees. This report looks at how addressing this issue will help unlock the peace process.

Introducing political settlements

Introduction to ongoing discussions on political settlements in the development community.

Tax Justice Advocacy: A toolkit for civil society

This toolkit is designed to introduce key tax topics of relevance to civil society organisations, and to help work on tax justice advocacy.

Energy for our common future

With Aprodev, we supported organisations from India, South Africa, Bolivia and Peru to develop responses to World Bank energy strategy review.

Christian Aid annual report 2009-10

Christian Aid annual report 2009-10

Listening and responding to our stakeholders: accountability

Listening and responding to our stakeholders resource: accountability

Theology and international development

This paper consolidates Christian Aid’s theological thinking on critical issues in its international development work. 

Shifting of goal posts: rural electrification in India

Highlights failure of national grid approach to deliver electricity to rural India and presents alternative using decentralised renewable power.

Christian Aid diversity and inclusion policy

Christian Aid is committed to promoting equality, valuing diversity, creating an inclusive environment and combating unfair treatment.

Christian Aid Good Practice Guide (PVCA)

A participatory vulnerability and capacity assessment (PVCA) empowers poor people to analyse their problems and suggest their own solutions.

Christian Aid annual report 2008-09

Christian Aid annual report 2008-09

Christian Aid annual review 2008-09

Christian Aid annual review 2008-09

The missing millions: the cost of tax dodging to developing countries

Looks at the tax dodging that has cost the countries that receive money from the Scottish Government’s international development fund almost £43m.

Undermining the poor: mineral taxation reforms in Latin America

Examines the tax reforms affecting the mineral sector in Latin America, quantifies cost of some of the excessively generous tax incentives offered.